child care information
A searchable directory of all licensed child care centres and links to licensed home child care agencies, You will also find links to other child care supports in Niagara.
Niagara Region's Child Care Registry (1)
The Niagara Region's Child Care Registry allows you to complete and submit only ONE online application to put your name on the registry for any of the licensed child care options and before-and-after school programs that meet your family's needs.
Licensed Child Care Centres (197)
Child care centres are licensed by the Ministry of Education and regulated by the
Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. Staff are Registered Early Childhood Educators that are regulated by the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators. A balanced program of activities for infants, toddlers, preschool and school-age children is designed for children at different stages of development. Children learn and grow while making friends with other children of the same age.
Home Child Care (1)
Licensed home child care provides a home-like atmosphere for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children. It enables flexible child care arrangements such as evening, early morning, weekend and overnight care. Flexible hours of service for child care is important to individuals maintaining employment, education, and training. Licensed home child care may best accommodate families who work shifts or who need part-time, weekend or overnight care.